A Strikingly Similar Case

The story of James Saltmarshall recently made national news. The similarities between his case and Chris’ case are absolutely stunning. Saltmarshall’s case provided further evidence of a dysfunctional police force and justice system. Watch this video to hear Saltmarshall’s story.


These are the similarities between these two cases:

  1. Parents woke up to find infant not breathing
  2. Both infants were 8 months old, and both men were 22 years old
  3. Initial medical reports stated that the baby was murdered
  4. Initial medical reports stated that the baby was also sexually assaulted
  5. Both babies suffered from constipation and hard stools which caused rectal tearing
  6. Both men were accused and charged with crimes before a full medical review was completed
  7. Both cases made international headlines
  8. Both cases highlight systematic problems within the investigative process that will lead to other innocent victims being convicted
  9. Both cases show how doctors, detectives, prosecutors, and medical examiners DO NOT operate independently or objectively. They rely too heavily on what the others are saying and often begin their investigations based on assumptions.

Click here to also read more about Saltmarshall’s case.

The charges against Saltmarshall have been dropped because a few good people cared enough about him and fought for justice. However, Chris’ battle is far from over and his fate is far from certain. Stand up for Chris and for JUSTICE.

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One Comment

  1. Carol Anne Tucker
    July 27, 2018

    This is the devils evil way of trying to break gpod Christian folks faith. I was accused of a crime in 2004 that i didn’t do. Theywanted me to plea bargain for 10 short years i was told and i would be free then. I said NO. That I was not going to admit to something i didnt do and I kept my faith in God to deliver me. And he he did deliver me.

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